Mini Stone House Village

Surrounded by stone, shady, and private, this setting is ideal for a miniature stone riverside village. Some old pieces in a new home and some new pieces too. It is available for viewing.

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Michael Stephens

16 Responses to “Mini Stone House Village”

  1. maleeriksson Says:


  2. I truly love your work both big and especially small. Your talent and artistic eye are so amazing. Thank you for sharing. I have always loved stones and now I am retired to Arkansas there are beautiful rocks and stones all around!

  3. The miniature houses are so cute! What are the dimensions? Are they all the same price? Thank you.

    • Thanks for the compliment Marjorie. Most of the pieces are 10″ x 14″, a couple 7″ x 7″ and one 14″ x 24″. All built at 1:24 or 1/2″ scale. (10″ x 14″ = 20′ x 28′). Price varies by size and style. Email or phone me for prices.

  4. wow these are great, I got two acres worth of property you could display them on 😉

  5. I just found your site. I think these are amazing. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Your work truly stirs one’s imagination! Thanks for sharing!

  7. rainescott Says:

    I just found your website today. I am so impressed with how you have handled archways and pretty much basically all of the designs. It’s really interesting and mind blowing to see both large and tiny little stone work houses. You are truly a gifted artist.

  8. Your houses are beautiful and special, and make me wish I were a tiny fairy so I could live in one of them! You are an amazingly talented person whose vision is so much more open and expansive than anything I have ever seen. I truly mean that.

  9. Thanks you so much for sending the video. After watching it 3X and collecting stones from our beach on Cape Cod, my husband and I are going to kick off his retirement by building a house together for our fairy garden. I do have a couple of questions: what do you mean by “screening” a portion of the concrete? Also, you mentioned that you were constructing a stone house on the Cape. We would like to go see it if you could please tell us where it is. Thanks again for sharing your artistry.

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